Well I guess I really needed to create content. I had yet to experience the full Southern California experience, which includes of course, wildfires. The price for living in the near perpetual sunshine and low humidity I normally value so much.
The north county of San Diego where I reside has been ravaged by these fires. My town was a little less scathed, except by the smoke and ash, being near the ocean and in a pocket that the flames didn't reach, but a mere few miles away their were active flames and too many and vast to be controlled. A strange claustrophobic feeling, needing to stay indoors in a place where you spend so much time outdoors, year round, due to the terrible air quality.
A good friend living a few miles inland was evacuated in the middle of the night and had to flee to Los Angeles to a friend's home.
I kept wondering about all the animals, domestic and wild, that were affected.
It was an unfortunate week for my daughter to pick to visit from New York. We had one good day on Sunday, weather in the 80s, playing on the beach, before the winds spread the fires Sunday night. It was her birthday a couple days later and the air was unbreathable here, so we drove up to Laguna Beach where it was still clear. On the drive back the hills were on fire south of San Clemente.
Mother Nature is terrible and beautiful in her power, and it's so easy to forget the very air we breathe is by her grace alone, she can take it away with a deep exhalation and a shrug.
1 comment:
Keep writing! Are you working on that novel yet?
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