08 August 2007

Please don't talk about your cyst on the bus

I am curious about peoples business but yikes, a blow by blow on your congenital cyst and your upcoming day surgery to remove it, on a crowded bus..

Saw my dad today in the nursing home in south seattle...he was sleeping when Teresa and I walked in, mouth wide open and looking frail as always...

keeps insisting he's been there since 1992 and that his former home in Des Moines is now worth 1 million, but other than that was pretty oriented. Teresa helped him fill out a patient survey on his dialysis care. One of the questions was Do you need dialysis, do you have kidney failure; he said, well, I've always maintained all these years that I do NOT have kidney failure as I have no symptoms, so mark ''no''. Kind of interesting, like he felt he better keep up the pretense.

He also reminisced about my mother, saying if he hadn't prevented her from taking the job transfer to Los Angeles (fearing his last two remaining kids at home would be ruined by the fast lifestyle there), she would never have gotten lung cancer, because she took a job at race track selling tickets and had second hand smoke blowing in her face for years....

Apparently he talks about me a lot...an aide there, Felix, who came in to clean him up, asked, are you the daughter from San Diego? Yes, i said..oh, i know about you, he talks about you all the time...

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