...Nate (on the right) is more law abiding..his worst crime to date: glueing a spoon to his father's hand...
..Barb (old bag dead center)..setting a fire in the school bathroom, bears the great honor of being the first girl in middle school to be swatted with the wooden paddle..
these days, i guess they call it corporal punishment and is a not just a no no but illegal..in fact i think you'd be arrested..but that was the bad old days...of swatting, pinching, sitting the ''bad'' kids in the corner, public shaming of various kinds...
i recall my 7th grade algrebra teacher telling a poor student making her way slowly to the board to work out a problem in front of us all...''can't you move your fat bottom any faster than that, we are waiting!! '' she was on the heavy side for those days...i was mortified for her, at 13 those type of things are searing...
..oh and tanner has a ''prank box'' where he keeps various items of torment for his selected enemies...but when we reviewed them, i felt they were too tame..he needs to up the ante if he wants those creeps and bullies to suffer properly..most of his pranks are of the fecal and bodily fluid nature..typical 9, 10 year old boy stuff...we girls come up with more diabolical forms of ''pranks'' that deal with public shaming and loss of reputation etc...
..having been the SUBJECT of some of those i could share them (having my underwear stolen in 7th grade locker room so i was trapped there), being tripped in the shower when i was mortified at being nude already by the same group of nasty girls...falling splat and losing the precious towel you hugged for dear life at age 12 in a locker room ...
..oh the innocence and bliss of childhood...
1 comment:
what a hoot these boys are.
talk about sibling rivalry 2 yrs 5 mos apart.
they actually get along abot 50% of the time. thanks for your wonderful wit and wisdom
love you, celery ann
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