12 August 2007

Difference (in vibe) between people in the upper right, upper left, and lower right corners of the US

..ie, the NE, the NW, and SW (so. cal).having just spent several weeks in new england, and a brief spell in NYC (that is a-typical for the northeast of course--just as LA is a-typical for california generally)..

well in new england, i will paraphrase the wonderful John Adams biography, quoting John Adams (our 2nd president), where he said in effect, new englanders, while well meaning and hardworking, make a poor showing for themselves, being low on charm and knowledge of the greater world..of course this was speaking of a couple hundred years ago, but there is a still a grim quality to these folks, at least the locals...there is a difficulty to their lives, given the weather, an insularity, the ethnicities tend to keep to themselves..they are good folk, honest..(I left my wallet in shopping basket in stop and shop and it was turned in!)..but not so effusive..

now the northwesterners, they are grim too, but in a more pleasant, low key way, when the sun comes out they are warmer..but there is a subdued quality...matching the often gloomy moody weather...if you approach them they will often jump back and seem taken aback in a way that people on the e. coast or other areas wont..they become quite introverted...now transplants, they dont start out that way...

..of course im generalizing, but i was born there, and my family has been there 100 years..

now in southern calif, my experience has been at least a surface friendliness, warmth and openness...a great many people are transplants...and the sun and lifestyle, which has a hedonistic tinge, lends a cheerful air, even with the frantic energy needed to pay ones bills in the face of expensive housing...

but its lonely too...more later..


Anonymous said...

My sister the ever observant one!
People are fascinating, aren't they? Since you have been able to travel and experience the effects of regional differences, you can glean what you admire from each area, and dust off the rest. I enjoy reading your words, wit and wisdom. CC

Anonymous said...

Ahem, and what about New Yorkers did you say? I think you need to redefine your NE synopsis missy.

graciousb said...

New Yorker are a-typical --- I think I alluded to that -- you can't compare them to anyone else - but in general I will say - they are WONDERFUL - you feel a festive air in NYC (but NOT in the subways!! There are all bets are OFF -talk about grim ) - and if you subscribe to the notion of energy creating its own reality and all those anticipatory visitors from all over the world, added together with probably more artists writers musicians in a small geographic area than anywhere else in the world, and add the center of commerce and finance -- well its a locus of energy -- if the country were a body then NYC would be its spinal cord!!